In response to growing concerns regarding the spread of the Coronavirus and following the closure of Michigan schools, Archbishop of Detroit Allen H. Vigneron announced Friday the temporary suspension of publicly celebrated Masses.

“The decision to temporarily suspend public Masses was not and must never be taken lightly,” Archbishop Vigneron said Friday in a letter to the faithful. “As Mass is a commemoration of Christ’s great act of love for us, we take this unprecedented measure with eyes fixed on him and his greatest commandment to love one another, which in this difficult time means that we ensure the health and safety of our community by following the wise counsel of local, state, and federal government and health officials.”

The decision to suspend public Masses was made at the strong recommendation of health care professionals, including Ascension Health leadership, as well as government officials, in an effort to help stop the spread of the virus and protect the most vulnerable members of our community. Currently, public Masses are expected to resume Monday, April 6, in alignment with the re-opening of schools statewide. However, it is important to note that this schedule is subject to change as the situation involving the Coronavirus continues to develop.

During this time, members of the faithful are urged to keep holy the Lord’s Day by making an act of Spiritual Communion, a well-established devotional practice of uniting one’s self in prayer with Christ’s sacrifice when circumstances prevent one from receiving Holy Communion. Individuals also may watch Mass from home online or on TV through services offered by EWTN, Fox 2, and the Catholic Television Network of Detroit (CTND) in English and Spanish. To find the Mass times and details, please click here.