The First Friday Memorial is a special offering made by parishioners, through which your intentions are remembered at a special Mass to be celebrated each month throughout the entire year.
This First Friday Memorial fulfills many of your requests for monthy prayer for your special intentions or for those loved ones who are deceased; your intentions will be listed each week on the back of the parish bulletin. Your offering of $80 per year will help to support the parish. You are all welcome to attend this Mass.
You may list your intentions one of two ways. As one individual name (example: Mary Jones), or you many list family groupings (example: The Jones Family). Multiple names may be listed, but require an additional offering of $80 for each line.
As the memorial begins to form, and intentions are submitted, we will begin the Masses in January of this year. The “intention year” will then be from January to January. If you wish to continue having your intentions remembered at these Masses, you will be asked to renew your offering each year.
Please complete this form and return it to the parish office no later than December 10, 2023 with your offering. If you have any questions, please don’t hesistate to call the parish office.
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