Dear Parishioners and Friends

July 11, 2021

The basic nature of our call is to be a disciple – A follower of Jesus.

There are many ways to do so. God has unique plans for the person he calls and his or her unique gifts and circumstances. Following our call means living out our lives most fully and true to ourselves, as we discover where God is leading us.

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Are you being called to priesthood?

When most Catholics hear the term “vocation” they think of the ordained priesthood or vowed religious life.

Few consider how marriage is a religious calling. A key part of vocation is one’s occupation, whatever activities one engages in to occupy his or her time. Vocation includes paid employment, volunteer work, study, homemaking, parenting, care giving, and many other activities.

God calls some to particular occupations. For others an occupation could in itself be a vocation or it may be another way in which we live out our vocation. Health care workers, teachers and first responders vocation is a means to supporting life at home by providing a salary, insurance, education and food.

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The biggest obstacle for living out one’s vocation is often reflecting on what it might be. Many have a tendency to resist God’s call. The strong voices we hear in our society may be counter to that call. The Catholic tradition provides many insights on how one may use scripture, prayer, and reflection to gain insights on our life direction. As we live our lives each day, may we call upon Jesus to direct us on the path of life as we strive to fulfill our vocation through his direction and protection.

Sometimes we have to be brave, go with our hearts desire and trust that God is calling us to a particular way of life – just because it is the right thing to do. How else would I have become a priest?

Fr. Brendan McCarrick SAC